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“I had already studied in Japan before this internship opportunity, and spent time in Tokyo, but I was still able to experience new things. My work gave me a ticket to see a kabuki play, which I never thought I’d be able to see because of how expensive it is, and I was really moved by the performance.”

“Just by the whole protocol of natural life, doing something repeatedly makes you makes you more comfortable at doing it for sure. So stick to it.”

“I think I cannot call my coworkers my friends, but I can call them my best friends. We have like minds, and a great relationship. If there is anything which I don’t know about my work, I can just ask my colleagues for help!”

“I like Japan for its culture, place, and people. In technology, Japan is one of the leading countries known for its cutting-edge discoveries. Because of that, I think that I got the mentorship and growth I hoped for.”

“I worked with SJIP to find a position that was right for me. They really helped me negotiate my living arrangements and make my transition as simple as possible. SJIP showed continued interest in my well-being while I was in Japan and checked in with me regularly to provide support.”

“My host company seemed like a really good base of a company. Since a lot of companies are really investing in AI and IoT, I feel like it’s going to be really beneficial that I have this experience.”

“My coworkers are very friendly, and our office environment is very co-operative. Everyone works very hard and focuses on what they can learn. In my home country, people don’t seem to take as much responsibility for their work as they do here in Japan.”

“The company that hired me after my internship was surprisingly friendly. I used to think that all Japanese companies were really strict, but now I know that’s not always true. Who knows if I’ll be working at this company forever, but I’m glad I got to start my career in Japan!”

“I enjoy the people I work with, enjoy the company… it’s basically hit all the goals that I wanted to achieve during this internship to learn about what it’s like to work at a Japanese company, learn about the work culture, to learn about what skills might be useful for applying [to jobs in] or working in Japan, all these things I learned throughout my job. And, I also came away with skills that I didn’t expect to learn.”

“An internship in Japan is an experience that might not be possible anywhere else. Japanese work culture is very unique and respectable, and it is worth living at least once. I have a number of instances that are memorable to me. A lot of them involved my friends from the sharehouse. One such experience was running around Tokyo station collecting Santas for a bingo game on Christmas, and then cooling off with a bowl of delicious ramen.”

“I think an internship in Japan is a great idea if you are considering working in Japan, because you can find out if you like the Japanese working environment, enjoy living in Japan, etc.”

“The supervisors are very friendly and willing to help. They don’t only offer guidance with programming issues but they also help us improve our Japanese by correcting and looking through our daily Japanese reports regarding our progress of the day.”

“It has been a dream come true to live and work in Japan–to improve my Japanese language skills, to have first-hand accounts of places I had only ever seen animated or drawn on a page, to eat food long admired, to play games and see sights and all that one would expect; to have a chance to participate in a nomikai (drinking party) or indulge in the festivities associated with the spring joining of new members. This internship has met all my expectations, and more.”

“My coworkers were friendly and supportive.
This is my first time in Japan. I really liked walking around Meguro River at night and watching sakura.”

“I think that I’ve developed more of being able to be more open and forward in talking to people. I’ve always been kind of an introvert, so It’s hard for me to talk to people, especially in a language that I’m not as comfortable with, like Japanese. But here at the company I need to talk to my coworkers, and I need to go ask advice, and especially because there are a lot of things that you have to learn by asking people so I had to improve that a lot and go out to people and talk to them. In Japanese.”
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